At The Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider, we believe that clients come to us for practical solutions to very real problems.  Let’s face it, you’re not looking to hire a lawyer because you enjoy paying fees.  You’re looking for someone to help you.  That’s why we never charge for an initial consultation.  We need the consultation as much as you do in order to determine if we can help you.  If we can’t, we don’t want to waste your time or money.

Our philosophy is simple:  If we can’t give you solid, valuable assistance to your legal problems, we don’t want your money.  We’d much rather you take your business to another attorney that can give you the help you need.  This is why we are picky about the clients we take.


If you have a matter with which you need help, don’t hesitate to call The Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider at the number to the right.  We’re here to help, and if we can’t, we’ll try to get you to someone who can.  Again, the initial consultation is always free.