Maybe you’ve been fired from your job, or passed over for a raise or promotion. Employers have the right to choose who they want to hire, fire, and promote, but they don’t have the right to consider your race, gender, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation in the process. Unfortunately, many employers do still consider these things when making work-related decisions.

Under both California law and federal law, you have rights when it comes to workplace discrimination. There are, however, many ways that an employer can hide discriminatory intent. It’s not enough to just show that you were punished in some way by the employer. You also must be able to show that race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation was the reason you were punished.

An attorney can do this in several ways, but all of them require significant investigation of the inner workings of the employer. This can take a lot of time and effort, but it’s often possible to show a pattern of discriminatory behavior through the discovery process.

If you feel you have suffered work-related discrimination, you should call The Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider to discuss it. The initial consultation is always free.