It’s no secret.  Los Angeles has a long history of police impropriety and excessive force.  The Los Angeles Police Department has significantly cleaned up its act over the last decade, but problems still remain.  For every story of police brutality that you read in the paper or see on the news, there are countless others that you never hear about.

No one should ever have to be afraid of police.  Police are there to protect the citizens and enforce the law, and no one should ever be above the law.  Luckily, federal law provides a remedy against police who use their authority to oppress and harm citizens.  Because the law provides for attorney’s fees, even the poor can seek justice when they are wronged by the police.

At The Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider, we aggressively go after police who misuse their authority.  Mr. Schneider grew up in South  Central Los Angeles and experienced police impropriety first hand on a weekly basis.  He would be glad to talk to you personally about your situation and fight on your behalf to protect your rights.  Most excessive force cases are handled at no charge to the client whether you win or lose.

If you feel that you’ve been the victim of excessive police force, don’t hesitate to call The Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider.  Living in fear of the police is no way to live, and you owe it to yourself and future victims to send a message that police will be held accountable for their actions.