we the peopleSometimes, a direct appeal to a criminal conviction isn’t possible.  Maybe you’ve already lost an appeal or your trial attorney neglected to object when he should have.  In these cases, a Writ of Habeas Corpus may be the only chance you have to get a new trial.

Although it carries an intimidating Latin name, the “Great Writ” is simply where one petitions the court to order the warden of a correctional facility to turn over a prisoner who is being held without due process under the Constitution.  Of course, the devil is always in the details, and filing a writ is a very technical process.

Every year, thousands of writs of habeas corpus are filed with the courts, mostly by prisoners who are not represented by attorneys.  The vast majority of these writs are denied, and this has led to the writ gaining the reputation of being a “hail Mary pass” of legal maneuvers.

If you contact The Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider to file a writ, we will thoroughly go over the record and history of the case to determine the best strategy to maximize the possibility of a successful writ.  While we cannot guarantee that the writ will be granted, we can guarantee that we will do everything within our power to increase the chances of a victory.

As with all forms of appeals, a habeas corpus petition does have a time limit.  If you are considering filing one, call The Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider as soon as possible to discuss the options.