Young American couple calculating bills online using laptop computer at home. Concentrated husband and his wife studying piece of paper while working through domestic finances in kitchen together

You’ve been served with a Summons and Complaint.  Most likely, you’ve read through it several times, and you’re outraged because most, if not all, of what it says is false.  We get it.  Sadly, this is a story we hear every single day.  Being sued is never fun, but it doesn’t have to be constant anxiety, either.  At the Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider, we’re here to handle the stress of litigation so you don’t have to.

Of course, every client and every case is unique.  Maybe you legitimately owe the plaintiff something, but not everything he or she is asking for, or maybe the plaintiff actually owes you.  Maybe you’ve never even heard of the plaintiff and have no idea what the lawsuit is about.  Whatever the situation, The Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider will work to get you the best possible outcome.  Once you set the goals and priorities, we design a strategy to pursue those goals as quickly, efficiently, and aggressively as possible.  We pride ourselves on finding creative ways to attack litigation to maximize your return and minimize your opponent’s options.  For us, this is about winning, however you define that term.

Many firms focus solely on Plaintiff work or Defendant work, and we believe this is a mistake.  A good defense attorney needs to be able to put himself or herself in the shoes of the opponent, and that is very hard to do without having some experience on the other side.  In many cases, you’ll want to bring a cross-complaint against the plaintiff.  If so, you’ll want an attorney that is able to pursue your claims as well as he or she can defend you against the plaintiff’s.

It’s important to remember that once you are served with a lawsuit, you have a time limit within which you have to respond.  If you wait too long, you can lose valuable rights and options.  Contact The Law Office of Cliff Dean Schneider today to discuss your case.